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In today’s culture, sex is often seen as play for adults. Who are you to tell me what to do? Yet how is that working out? Christians are called to a higher standard of purity, and Proverbs 5 offers clear wisdom on this. This good, deep, meaningful intimacy that is a rejection of shallow intimacy. Here is where it starts

For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey,

and her speech is smoother than oil;

but in the end she is bitter as gall,

sharp as a double-edged sword...

Drink water from your own cistern,

running water from your own well.

Proverbs 5:3-4, 15

Run Away from Shallow Intimacy

The first caution from Proverbs 5 is to avoid shallow relationships based on temptation and fleeting attraction. The chapter warns of the dangers of succumbing to flattery and seductive words that lead down a path of destruction. Affairs or acts of sexual immorality rarely start with physical intimacy but with words—flattery, secrets, or emotional bonds with someone other than your spouse. The wise know that conversations can pull you away from your marriage and lead to a temptation-filled road.

How is your communication life? Is your spouse your favorite person to talk with? If not, what needs to change? Are you inquisitive? Does your spouse hear the words "I love you" regularly and with creativity?

Run Towards Deep Intimacy

Proverbs 5 doesn’t just warn against shallow intimacy with precision; it also encourages us to pursue deep, fulfilling intimacy within marriage. In a marriage, sexual intimacy should be mutual, joyful, and exclusive. This is a good gift to enjoy. If your sex life isn't where you would hope for it to be, then widen your perspective beyond the physical to intimacy with words, emotion, experiences, sharing desires, and openness in a way that will deep intimacy.

Have I made time for my spouse to communicate regularly? Do words of love and appreciation flow naturally? If not, carve out time to write them out intentionally to share. Words are powerful and can build or destroy trust and intimacy. Understand that intimacy grows over time. Stay committed even through difficult seasons.


  1. How can you improve communication with your spouse to build deeper intimacy?

  2. What steps can you take today to avoid shallow interactions that may threaten your purity?

  3. Do I need to get outside help? Contact a professional counselor for additional relational tools to maximize your relationships.


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