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How to make money is an extremely popular topic in best-selling books and with popular YouTube content creators. Yet, step inside of a church and the mention of money can get weird. Why? Jesus wasn’t afraid of the topic and the Bible approaches this topic with profound wisdom.

Money wisdom is found throughout the bible. Ecclesiastes 11:2 advises diversifying investments, and Matthew 25:14-18 encourages wise stewardship of wealth, and there are plenty more passages to turn to. One paradox to focus on is found in Proverbs:

"One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty." Proverbs 11:24

This principle goes against the common narrative that accumulating wealth is the way to security. It is a principle that is absent from other classic books on wealth like The Richest Man in Babylon. Jesus and the author of Proverbs teach that giving, not hoarding, leads to abundance.

While the concept of living below your means and saving for the future is wise and biblical, what is uniquely Christian wealth-wisdom is the emphasis that giving freely is the key to true wealth.

Why? Why is giving so important? Because it mirrors God's own generosity. We are reminded in John 3:16 that "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son." Jesus' life and sacrifice demonstrate that giving is a core aspect of our identity as His followers. To give generously is to become more like Him.

What do we gain from giving? It deepens our trust in God's provision, aligns our actions with His will, and blesses others. It’s not about the size of the gift but the heart behind it. Giving shows that we recognize everything we have comes from God, and through giving, we reflect His character.

In contrast, greed, the desire for more than what we need, can lead to spiritual and even financial poverty. Wealth can promise contentment that only God can provide. The wise know that greed is sneaky, subtly convincing us that we need "just a little more" to be happy. The antidote to greed? Generosity. The ability to be content with our wealth, give freely. Giving releases us from the grip of greed and helps us trust God more fully.

In the end, wealth is temporary, but the impact of giving lasts. Whether you have much or little, the principle remains: the wise give because Jesus gave first.


  1. How does your current attitude towards money align with the biblical principle that "giving results in gain"?

  2. In what areas of your life have you noticed greed sneaking in, and how can practicing generosity help counteract it?



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